Progress so far!

At the time of writing this post, our group has completed the Treasure Hunt, solved the riddle and posted the results below!

We are currently working on our video for youtube, solving the ‘other’ riddle and tidying up this here blog!


Stay tuned…

Treasure Hunt

Answer to the riddle: The mathematician’s name was ‘Alan Turing’

Day 1/2 Progress

I’m sure this is the first time there has ever been a challenge week group who are nearly as gangsta as the Gangsta Geeks!

Our day 1/2 progress has gotten off to a good start with 5/6 of us having our laptops up and running on the Talos network. The next steps for us will be to get everyone ready for the world of Twitter, Moodle and making sure our LLPs are all up to speed.

Fingers crossed everything works out!

Our team is composed of the following single syllable Gangstas:

Tim – Leader




